Aunt Arctic! Finaly!

I finaly met Aunt Arctic!! So Far I have met Cadence and Aunt Arctic at the stage. The reason of my finding  A.A. totally goes to Mimo777 and the CPG comment Tracker. It works better than ANYTHING I have ever tried. So no offence to all you with trackers, but your trackers aren’t but half as good as Mimo and the CPG.I still have yet to meet Gary and the Band.

Sorry for not posting in forever! I will try to do more! I have been busy!!

Agent Pen43

One Response to “Aunt Arctic! Finaly!”

  1. ~Hope Aka Clubpenguinfan~ Says:

    Hey! Wow thats so cool! Nice job! I better go! Have a great day!! 🙂

    ~Hope Aka clubpenguinfan~

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