
Woot! I met Rockhopper!! On accident!! I wasn’t even trying!!! I decided to get on one of the pengs Max gave me for winning a commenting contest, and I’m just sitting in the Rainbow town and suddenly ROCKHOPPER appears!! And I’m like Woah!!!!! Sweet!!


Rockhopper's player card is blocking him. He's in that big crowd.

So I quickly log on to Agent Pen43 and rush to the town. Luckily Rainbow is a relatively slow server.  So I get there, and then we moved to the Migrator.


There, someone was saying that Rockhopper was under arrest. He thought this was hilarious. 😉 He said he only found treasure.

So we danced and talked awhile.


Then he proposed a drink of Cream Soda! Everyone drank heartily. Then we moved to the beach!

Rockhopper asked if we wanted to race Yarr! Who can refuse?

Rockhopper asked if we wanted to race Yarr! Who can refuse?

Then after a mad dash to the Cove, he was tired!


Then he told us a story. It, Was, Hilarious!!!!!! Here is the story the best I remember:

“So there I was sitting, and I was thirsty!!! So I drank some Cream Soda!!! I was so thirsty I drank a whole barrel!!!”

*At this point everyone was amazed and were listening in awe*

“But what I didn’t know that what I was drinking wasn’t Cream Soda! Do you know what I was? It was Hot Sauce!!!! I was redder than Yarr!!! Learn from my experiance mates!!! Har Har Har!!!”

Rotfl. there was a lot of laughing. I think I literally laughed out loud. We were very fortunate because Rockhopper was a real person, not a computer. He was quite hilarious. I hope to meet him again!

So finaly he was hungry and went to the pizza parlor


Here he left. There was a lot of saddness, but they got over it.

6 Responses to “Rockhopper!!!”

  1. Cca Says:

    He did the same one except he said ketchup

  2. Blueicedude Says:

    hahaha i love how at the end you just said “but they got over it” i have a funny story about Rh too!

    Ok so i met up with rockhopper and he took us all to his ship (btw this was a while ago, i think during the christmas party). he showed us a tree on his ship and said, “this be a bubble gum tree!” so he ate some and said “bleh!! arg, never mind. this be just a regular tree.” haha it was so funny!

  3. Agent Pen43 Says:

    hahaha i think i remember sseing him say that from when someone else took pix of him ^-^

  4. vinnie15 Says:

    ohhh i never got to meet rockhopper and im a beta

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